Year 1 Animals Including Humans planning and resources. Each lesson plan has every resource needed to teach it:
Lesson 1) Trip to observe animals in real-life.
Lesson 2) 5 senses.
Lesson 3) Using our senses.
Lesson 4) Parts of the human body.
Lesson 5) Parts of the human face.
Lesson 6) Names of mammals.
Lesson 7) Names of birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish.
Lesson 8) Carnivores, omnivores and herbivores.
Lesson 9) Naming animal body parts.
Lesson 10) Comparing animals.
Lesson 11) Animals and their offspring.
Lesson 12 & 13) Workshop and visit
There is a PDF of all of the files and an editable version of each file (you just need to delete the watermark logo from each of the editable files).
You can find more Year 1 Science lesson plans, worksheets and other teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This unit was updated on 5th June 2022. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date.
A lesson plan and worksheets on introducing classification to go with the Year 6 Living Things and Their Habitats unit. There is a PDF and an editable version of each file. You can find more planning and teaching resources for the Year 6 Living Things and Their Habitats unit on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
A lesson plan, instructions and vocabulary and writing frame on Changing Circuits, as well as some electric circuit symbols flashcards. There is a PDF and an editable version of each file. You can find more planning and teaching resources for the Year 6 Electriicty unit on the Save Teachers' Sundays website.
A lesson plan and worksheets on the circulatory system to go with the Year 6 Animals including Humans unit. There is a PDF and an editable version of the worksheets. You can find more planning and teaching resources for the Year 6 Animals including Humans unit on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
A lesson plan and worksheets on Evolution and Inheritance for Year 6. You can find more Evolution and Inheritance Year 6 planning and resources on the Save Teachers' Sundays website. There is a PDF and an editable version of the worksheets.
A lesson plan, worksheet and quiz on the Parts of the Eye. There is a PDF and an editable version of the worksheet. You can find more lesson plans and teaching resources on the topic of Light on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
Note: This lesson was updated in August 2020. Please download the most recent version of it if you bought it before this date. Please also use the lesson plans that are not in the ‘Combined’ file.
A lesson plan and activity on How We See Things. There is a PDF and an editable version of the worksheet. You can find more lesson plans and teaching resources on the topic of Light on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.
A lesson plan on gravity, an explanation text on gravity and a set of comprehension questions (with answer frame for lower ability) to go with the text. There is a PDF and an editable version of each file.
You can find more Science lesson plans and teaching resources on the Save Teachers’ Sundays website.